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Consolidate, Anticipate, Value your inventory with mykheoos
mykheoos is a SaaS platform that provides visibility and actionable insights to maintenance parts inventory.
Designed for supply chain and maintenance managers, mykheoos is revolutionizing industrial inventory management by allowing teams to unlock the full value of their maintenance parts inventory.
Make the most of your maintenance parts
With mykheoos, organizations can:
- Improve data quality with AI-driven insights on duplicates and obsolescence across full spare parts inventory.
- Identify similar or like inventory with expert analysis and recommendations.
- Anticipate the obsolescence of your parts.
- Reduce waste by selling unwanted inventory on kheoos market.
mykheoos FAQ
How is my inventory recognized in mykheoos?
When you upload your inventory file containing your internal references as well as manufacturer references and brands into the application, our algorithm analyzes the data. It checks the compliance of each reference and assigns a status: Verified, Needs Validation, or Not Match.
Can I sell my obsolete or dormant parts?
You can sell your obsolete or dormant parts through mykheoos. Once verified, they become eligible for sale. You just need to specify a quantity and the condition of the parts. The price is then set by our algorithm, which analyzes market prices to determine the best rate based on supply and demand.
Can I buy rare parts?
You can buy parts that you won’t find on the traditional market from the manufacturer or distributor. Many companies have in their stocks rare parts that are no longer manufactured or available for sale. We have several tens of thousands of parts for sale. If you can’t find the part you’re looking for, you can send us your request at
Can I reload the consolidated data into my ERP?
In the application, you can export your organization’s data to Excel format at any time. You can then import them into your management system (ERP or CMMS) to update and clean your database.
How to eliminate identified duplicates?
In the application, duplicates are indicated by an icon and can be grouped together. The data can be exported at any time in Excel format, allowing you to clean up your ERP system and reduce your inventory.
Can I see all the factories of my company?
In the application, you can access information about your organization. The administrator of your account manages user rights and can give you access to all or part of the warehouses or factories in your country.
Can I get help from a specialist?
You can call upon our experts, who come from the technical field and specialize in the coding of many manufacturers. They can help you increase the number of parts verified, which then allows you to access sales, purchasing, duplicate management, and obsolescence services.
Using solutions like mykheoos can reduce downtime by 80% in food and beverage manufacturing.