Go on kheoos market
Buy and sell industrial maintenance parts on kheoos market
kheoos market - the markeplace for the reuse of industrial spare parts
Why should you consider browsing on kheoos market? The management of maintenance parts in the industry is an area that is attracting more and more attention from decision makers. It is now necessary to reduce inventory levels and obsolescence, without increasing the risk of shortage and therefore of operating losses. kheoos has identified major sources of reduction in the stock levels and offers manufacturers of all sizes new tools and innovative uses.
market.kheoos.com is the B-to-B market place for maintenance parts, for the sale of dormant stocks and for the purchase of new or repackaged parts.

Evaluate for free the potential of your dormant stocks
Over time and equipment decommissioning, you have accumulated parts that no longer rotate, sleep, are partially or fully provisioned and occupy space. Usually, your suppliers do not want your stock back and it is difficult for you to evaluate the market value. From a simple list of your dormant inventory, our algorithms recognize the parts and evaluate the value that you can expect on the market.
Try mykheoos for free.
Sell your dormant stocks and search of rare parts on kheoos market
Put on sale in a few clicks the hundreds of references that sleep in your stocks, either directly from the connection to the ERP, or from a simple file. kheoos will recognize the references of the parts, automatically generate the content necessary for sale (descriptions, photos…) and publish the offer on its own market place and on the partner market places, in order to maximize sales.
The transactions are fully managed by kheoos, who orders you and takes care of the transport. You just need to prepare the order for pick up by our carrier. The cost and the marketing efforts are zero for you.

Re-use: extend the life of your equipment and those of your peers
With kheoos market, you not only value your dormant parts and free up space in your warehouses, but above all you make a double gesture for the planet, promoting reuse rather than destruction and extending the life of equipment of your peers.
Also, entrust us with your lists of parts that you cannot find anymore. We will search for you among our members and sellers from all over the world to offer you the best deals and extend the life of your own equipment.
Our partners

kheoos market FAQ
How do I practically put my dormant stock on sale? Who's doing what?
Just a few clicks. You simply provide the list of parts to kheoos, whose algorithms seek information necessary for sale, including descriptions, photos and market prices. When receiving orders on www.market.kheoos.com, kheoos sends you orders and organizes the transport
At what price can I expect to sell my dormant parts?
Significantly more than other channels. If you sell to a broker, expect 2 to 5% of the value. With kheoos, you are given an estimate before the sale, which can vary from 10 to 60% of the gross value, depending on your parts
How can I find rare parts for my aging equipment?
Just a few clicks. You provide your lists of wanted parts to kheoos, which searches the dormant stocks of its members, as well as the market and send you offers as soon as the references are found.
I am a manufacturer, distributor, repairman. Can I sell spare parts on kheoos?
Absolutely. After verification, you will be able to become a seller on our platform www.market.kheoos.com.