kheoos’ Carbon Footprint: A Cobbler’s Child Not So Poorly Shod

Bilan carbone/Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint reduction and savings: Kheoos' commitment to the circular economy

kheoos is actively committed to improving its clients’ carbon footprint through its activity of reusing industrial maintenance parts. By promoting the circular economy, kheoos helps reduce waste and extend the life of equipment. This approach is essential for helping companies meet the requirements of the CSRD directive, which aims to enhance transparency and accountability in sustainability. By reusing parts, companies can not only reduce their carbon footprint but also achieve significant cost savings.

Evaluating kheoos' Carbon Footprint

In a bid to set an example and defy the saying that cobbler’s children are the worst shod, kheoos has undertaken the evaluation of its own carbon footprint. This rigorous evaluation considered several aspects of its operations:

  • kheoos’ Building
    • Energy: Consumption of electricity and heating.
    • Fixed Assets: Impact of infrastructure and durable equipment.
  • Employee Activities
    • Daily Commutes: Employees’ home-to-work travel.
    • Business Travel: Business trips and missions.
    • Waste: Management and recycling of produced waste.
    • Services: Use of external services and their environmental impact.
    • Miscellaneous Purchases: Consumption of supplies and other purchases.
    • IT Activities: Use of IT equipment and servers.
  • Management of Maintenance Parts
    • Transport of Spare Parts: Impact of deliveries and shipments.
    • Storage of Spare Parts: Energy consumption related to warehousing.

Results and Analysis of kheoos' Carbon Footprint

In 2023, kheoos produced a total of 50 tons of carbon equivalent. This carbon footprint is broken down as follows:

  • 55% for the transport of spare parts: This includes emissions related to logistics and deliveries.
  • 29% for the transport of people: Daily and business travel of employees.
  • 7% for energy: Consumption of electricity and heating in kheoos’ premises.
  • 4% for data: Use of servers and IT equipment.
  • 3% for packaging: Impact of materials used for packaging parts.
  • 2% for waste: Management and treatment of waste produced by the company.

Break-Even Point and Outlook

To reach a break-even point where the sales of reused parts offset kheoos’ activities, it is necessary to sell between 1,000 and 10,000 parts per year. This estimate varies depending on the types of parts, ranging from industrial touch screens to circuit breakers. By taking these assumptions, kheoos demonstrates that it is possible to offset its carbon footprint while providing sustainable solutions to its clients.

Other players in the reuse sector have also estimated their carbon footprint, and compared to their revenue, kheoos has nothing to be ashamed of.


In conclusion, kheoos invites industrial companies to use its services to improve their own carbon footprint, reduce their maintenance parts procurement costs, and find rare and obsolete parts. They will also have the satisfaction of contributing to reducing kheoos’ carbon footprint. By collaborating with kheoos, companies can contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future, Notably through kheoos market, the platform for reusing maintenance parts. Together, we can reduce our ecological impact and promote a circular economy beneficial to all.

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