
Price Comparison


Price Comparison


The management of maintenance parts in the industry is an area that is attracting more and more attention from decision makers. It is now necessary to reduce inventory levels and obsolescence, without increasing the risk of shortage and therefore of operating losses. kheoos has identified major sources of reduction in the stock levels and offers manufacturers of all sizes new tools and innovative uses.


kheoos|price is a price comparator based on the actual transactions of members and prices observed in the marketplaces.


Do you buy your maintenance parts at the best price?

Each Member of the community, connected to the platform, can confidentially share, if he wishes, his purchase prices. In return, he obtains aggregated information, allowing him to evaluate his purchasing performance against that of the community

Do you buy your maintenance parts at the best price?

Each Member of the community, connected to the platform, can confidentially share, if he wishes, his purchase prices. In return, he obtains aggregated information, allowing him to evaluate his purchasing performance against that of the community

Improve your bargaining power in all sectors

Compare your prices with the average of your peers' prices, as well as the prices observed on various web platforms and partner distributors. Moreover, the algorithms will point out the parts families on which your earning potential is the most important, thus optimizing your buyer's time and bargaining power.

Improve your bargaining power in all sectors

Compare your prices with the average of your peers' prices, as well as the prices observed on various web platforms and partner distributors. Moreover, the algorithms will point out the parts families on which your earning potential is the most important, thus optimizing your buyer's time and bargaining power.

Join the community and always be up to date with the best prices

Price references are updated in real time on your online catalogue and your analysis reports are available at all times in your personal space. So you always have the data available for your negotiations.

Join the community and always be up to date with the best prices

Price references are updated in real time on your online catalogue and your analysis reports are available at all times in your personal space. So you always have the data available for your negotiations.


Our partners

EDF Pulse-Open Innovation-finalist Pulse contest-kheoos STMicroelectronics-logo-f@ST.lab-kheoos Michelin kheoos dormant maintenance parts circular economy reuse réemploi Schneider Electric-Business Innovation-kheoos Photowatt-EDF ENR PWT-kheoos STMicroelectronics-f@st.lab-open innovation-kheoos Investissement Avenir Ademe BPI Innovation concours i-nov inov 2020 kheoos lauréat ademe kheoos economie circulaire La French Tech-BPI-financing innovation-kheoos-startup BPI-Banque Publique d'investissement-France-financing innovation-bourse frenchtech Linksium-satt-grenoble-innovation-network financing laboratories-intellectual property-kheoos-startup Challenge Linksium OutOfLabs-kheoos awarded-startup-2018 Université Grenoble Alpes UGA kheoos Réseau Initiative Pays Voironnais-kheoos-award-financing-innovation Région Rhône Alpes-Grenoble-Isère-kheoos-lauréat

Learn more about price comparator